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Volunteer With Us


Are you ready to make a positive impact on the health and well-being of your community? Join our team of dedicated volunteers and help us provide essential healthcare services to those in need.

Why Volunteer with Us?
  • Make a Real Difference: Your time and skills can change lives. Every small effort counts, and together, we can create a healthier, more compassionate community.
  • Learn and Grow: Gain valuable experience, expand your skillset, and make meaningful connections in the healthcare field.
  • Be Part of Something Bigger:  St. Paul Medical Clinic is more than an organization; it’s a community of caring individuals working together to change lives.
How Can You Help?
  • Clinical Support: Assist our medical professionals in providing care to patients.
  • Administrative Support: Help with essential administrative tasks to keep our clinic running smoothly.
  • Community Outreach: Be an advocate for our mission and engage with the community to spread awareness.
  • Fundraising: Contribute your ideas and energy to help raise vital funds for our programs.
Ready to Get Started?

Fill out our volunteer application and let us know how you’d like to contribute. Whether you have a few hours to spare or can commit to a regular schedule, your dedication is immensely valuable.

Questions about volunteering?

Please contact us by sending us an email to [email protected] or calling us at (945) 279-6750.


    Contact Info

    Email Address
    Phone Number(s)
    Home Address
    Emergency Contact Info

    Professional Info

    What Language(s) Do You Speak Fluently, Other Than English?
    Professional Credentials

    Select all that apply

    If "Other", please give details

    Professional License #
    License Expiration Date

    Volunteer Interests and Availability

    Volunteer Interests*

    Select all that apply

    If "Translator", What Language(s)?

    What is your availability?